Face masks and face shields are seen in a landfill along the east bank of Pasig River in Pasig City on June 4, 2021. Their mandatory use during the Covid-19 pandemic has increased household and plastic waste. Ironically, the month of June was declared Philippine Environment Month to raise environmental awareness among Filipinos. It also coincides with World Environment Day, which is observed today, June 5. PHOTO BY JOHN ORVEN VERDOTE
Face masks and face shields are seen in a landfill along the east bank of Pasig River in Pasig City on June 4, 2021. Their mandatory use during the Covid-19 pandemic has increased household and plastic waste. Ironically, the month of June was declared Philippine Environment Month to raise environmental awareness among Filipinos. It also coincides with World Environment Day, which is observed today, June 5. PHOTO BY JOHN ORVEN VERDOTE
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