Opinion > Columns
Smartmatic's WORM SD card can be altered

EXACTLY a month ago, the Pivot International Inc. (PII) and Power Serve Inc. (PSI) joint venture filed a manifestation and verified complaint before the Commission on Elections (Comelec) seeking to 'declare a failure of bidding, reject the bid, and or not to award the contract for the procurement [of] vote counting machines refurbishment with consumables' and to administratively charge 'the end-user representative and members of the Comelec SBAC (special bids and awards committee) and the technical working group for serious dishonesty, grave misconduct, and/or conduct prejudicial to the best interest of service.'

I mentioned in this column on May 22 that the sole technical issue involved in the complaint is that of a WORM SD card. However, the concerns brought up by the PII and PSI concerning this SD (secure digital) card carry with them a multitude of technical and legal repercussions.