Group to tackle vaping 'myths,' WHO tobacco regulation

A group of vaping advocates will tackle the World Health Organization's latest tobacco product regulation report and its guidance for harm reduction products as well as 'myths' on vapes in a live discussion on Sunday.

'We will discuss TobReg and the action that advocates can take, and what consumers and the public can do to protect their rights to make informed choices for their health,'

Nancy Loucas, executive coordinator of the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA), said.

The panel discussion to be presented by The Advocates Voice, will be hosted by a coalition of Tobacco Harm Reduction in Asia Pacific.

'We will also talk about the risk proportionate bill that's now in the Philippine Senate. It may open the floodgates for Southeast Asia public health policy to adopt harm reduction as a goal,' Loucas said.

She lamented that WHO's negative and obstructive approach towards safer nicotine vaping products continue to impact smoking cessation rates.

'WHO continues to treat smoking and nicotine vaping as the same and ignores all the science,' Loucas said.

She added that the discussion will also tackle the 'youth vaping epidemic' and claims that vaping flavors might be dangerous to inhale and that vaping is harmful to pets.

CAHPRA said that scientists, researchers and health officials stand by the use of electronic cigarettes as a substitute to smoking, citing a study by Public Health England which said that e-cigarettes are 95 percent safer than combustible cigarettes. Red Mendoza