Opinion > Columns
Anti-red-tagging bill – cui bono?

I HAVE written a lot about red-tagging and what it is not, and I promise I won't stop until we get to the bottom of it. I don't mind being repetitive if only to put the message across on this undying issue. To those of you who understood it well, you can just skip this piece, but I assure you if you read along you will have a better grasp of the underlying reasons why this red-tagging is a very important fight for the communists and their ilk.

I already emphasized in my past articles why Jose Maria Sison concocted this strategy, albeit not his original, in order to shield his minions in the Philippines who are doing underground work for the armed rebels, while also doing seemingly legitimate work through the open mass organizations. Let us remember that he has managed to convince his European friends that he is a freedom fighter and is in Europe for political asylum. He has to keep these sympathizers convinced that he is not part of a violent effort to overthrow a democratically elected government. He continues to lie to his communist friends that, just like communists in Europe, his group in the Philippines has nothing to do with this terrorist group, the New People's Army (NPA).