Public Square
Napolcom issues guidelines for 2021 exams

National Police Commission (Napolcom) Vice Chairman and Executive Officer Vitaliano Aguirre 3rd has announced that the Philippine National Police (PNP) entrance examination will be on July 31 and Oct. 23, 2021; August 1 and October 24 for the PNP promotional examination; and September 12 for the police executive service eligibility (PESE) to be conducted in Metro Manila, Cebu City and Davao City, following the clearance/letter-reply, dated Feb. 22, 2021 from the Office of the Health secretary.

If the condition so warrants, the Regional Offices shall prioritize the processing of applications of those processed PNP entrance examinees of the April 26, 2020 PNP entrance examination that did not avail of the computer-assisted examination (Napolcom CAEx); those processed PNP promotional examinees of the April 26, 2020 PNP promotional examination; those applicants who were able to register in the online examination application scheduling system (Oleass)for the April 26, 2020 PNP entrance and promotional examinations but were not processed; and those in the waitlist for the April 26, 2020 PNP entrance and promotional examinations.