PH logistics infrastructure as e-commerce driver

NEW consumer mindsets have come to light from out of the blinking lockdowns across the globe, necessitating retail enterprises and logistics entities with retooled operational setups and next-step technologies. Nowhere has this been more disparate than in emerging countries, namely the Philippines, where delivery systems such as internet connectivity and cross-border transparency are just as glacial as pandemic response and novel coronavirus vaccine availability. But what Filipinos may lack in resource access and equitability, Filipino resourcefulness, industry and ingenuity more than make up for the disparity.

Since demand for logistics and e-commerce services has reached a novel critical mass with consumers and companies resorting to online purchases and digital transactions in unprecedented numbers, local and multinational providers have stepped up in order to anticipate the flux in the market. In place of grim future scenarios, once seemingly futuristic or indulgent cultural practices are now unfolding into silver-lined and virtually intelligent realities.