A plea on ivermectin for Covid-19

I am presenting here the full article about Merck, the company that originally produced ivermectin, that is authored by Joyce Kamen, a Cincinnati, Ohio-based writer, visual storyteller, public-relations specialist and Telly and Emmy Award-winning video and documentary producer on March 10, 2021 (kamen.medium.com/merck-its-truth-telling-time-4496d9af9ca1). It is a plea to Merck to support ivermectin as the medicine for Covid-19. It seems to me that Merck’s press release that is mentioned in this article is similar to the statements of the major health organizations in the world. The “mountains of scientific data” mentioned by Ms. Kamen refers to the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) on the use of ivermectin for Covid-19, and the link is https://b3d2650e-e929-4448-a527-4eeb59304c7f.filesusr.com/ugd/593c4f_1324461135c749dab73ed7c71e47d316.pdf

Merck, it’s truth-telling time.