THE Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has existed since the turn of the 20th century. From 1901 until after World War 2, the PCG was under various departments of the national government, including the Department of Commerce and Police, Bureau of Navigation, Bureau of Customs and Bureau of Public Works. In 1967, Congress enacted Republic Act 5173 (RA 5173) which placed the PCG under the Philippine Navy. In 2009, Congress enacted RA 9993, which amended RA 5173 and established the PCG as an armed and uniformed service attached to the Department of Transportation and Communication, now known solely as the Department of Transportation. Notwithstanding, Section 2 of RA 9993 provides that in times of war, as declared by Congress, the PCG then becomes attached to the Department of National Defense.
The Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary (PCGA) represents a significant civilian uniformed organization under the direct control and supervision of the PCG Commandant. Predicated on member volunteerism, the PCGA assists the Philippine Coast Guard in functional areas including: 1) the promotion of safety of life and property at sea; 2) the preservation of the marine environment and its resources; 3) the conduct of maritime search-and-rescue operations; 4) the maintenance of aid to navigation; and 5) other activities, which enhance maritime community relations. Enhanced maritime community relations under the fifth functional area include civic activities, participation under the National Service Training Program, youth development and activities that promote recreational safety. These functional areas of the PCGA are particularly provided for in Section 11 of RA 9993.