Basic Energy has 18 principal stockholders

Basic Energy Corp. (BSC) has 2,797,392,714 outstanding common shares with a par value of P0.25. Of the outstanding, 2,708,500,714 are listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE). Its website showed a free-float level of 86.17 percent.

Basic Energy has an 11-man board, with Oscar de Venecia as chairman. He owns 13.11 million common shares, or 0.47 percent of the outstanding, according to a public ownership report (POR). Other board directors and their shareholdings are Francis Chua, with 13,000,002 common shares, or 0.46 percent; Ramon Mapa, 3,268,635 or 0.12 percent; Oscar de Venecia Jr., 9,541,334 or 0.34 percent; Ma. Florina Chan, 13.1 million or 0.47 percent; Isidoro Tan, 37.035 million or 1.35 percent; Jaime Martinez, 15.035 million or 0.53 percent; Harvey Lawrence N. DyChiao, 10,000; Eduardo V. Manalac, 8.01 million; and Spinarin Pouldpongpaiboon, 10,000.