Now what?

FIRST, I would like to commend Marlen Ronquillo for his excellent column last Sunday, which was a cogent and well-reasoned endorsement of Joe Biden. It had facts and logical arguments and did not resort to weird sources and allegations that I have sadly read elsewhere in support of the other side. I wasn’t sure I was going to write this article as it is Wednesday evening in New York, and I was not sure the presidential election would be sufficiently settled to do analysis rather than rants and predictions, whether from realistic or dubious sources.

With Michigan and Wisconsin calling for Biden, as long as he maintains his lead in Nevada and Arizona, he will get exactly the minimum 270 electoral votes he needs to win. Even if Trump wins the remaining states – Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania — he will only get to 268. So if Donald Trump wins those three, he still needs to overcome Biden’s very narrow lead in Nevada and Arizona. While mathematically possible, it is severely unlikely as the overwhelming number of uncounted ballots are mailed-in or early votes from Biden supporters (over 60 percent are registered Democrats), and even if Trump gets the count stopped Biden is already ahead so it seems highly likely Joe Biden is mercifully going to be the next President of the USA.