Understanding the simmering US-China rivalry in the SCS

Last of 2 parts

NOTE the date — Jan. 11, 2007 — when China decided that it was time to show its capabilities and to bide its time no more. This was the time of Hu Jintao, not yet Xi Jinping. To give the readers an idea of the significance of this Chinese display of its capabilities, Russia recently announced the advent of its S-500 air defense system, reputed to be the best air defense system in the world as it is capable of shooting down adversary satellites or incoming ballistic missiles. But China had achieved such capabilities displayed by the S-500 more than a decade ago. Now, China has made more advances like the maneuvering hypersonic anti-ship ballistic missile such as the DF-17s, microwave weapons, laser weapons, rail guns, quantum communications, and cyber capabilities.