These past days have been ones for reading up on the Covid-19 pandemic. Though I have made quite a number of articles on the subject matter already, I don’t think I have gone deep enough into unraveling the real issues in the controversy. For instance, here is this account in an article published on Aug. 28, 2014 in titled “CDC and CIA: A Close and Sick Relationship.” The article is a lengthy exposition on the work of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which figures prominently in the current worldwide outbreak of the killer coronavirus. One aspect I would much like to dig into is the information from the article that past disease outbreaks, including ones that had gone pandemic, have had links with big US pharmaceuticals owned by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. The article leans heavily on the postulate that epidemics are artificially made in order to create a market for the vaccine the pharmaceuticals produce. That is logical, in any case, and worth looking into more deeply.
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