Tony Mabesa PHOTO FROM THE SOCIETY OF PHILIPPINE ENTERTAINMENT EDITORS DURING THE GROUP’S NOMINEES’ NIGHT IN JULYMeanwhile, Alfonso Martinez, grandson of movie queen actress Amalia Fuentes, also announced her passing on Facebook early Saturday.“It is with great sadness that I together with my siblings Alyanna and Alissa, inform you that our Grandmother, Amalia Amador Muhlach has taken her last breath this morning in the Philippines. She is now reunited with her husband Joey Stevens, our mother Anna-Lissa Martinez and her ex-husband, our Lolo Bobby. We have prayed for nothing but peace for her and now she can finally rest. Our family only asks that you respect our privacy during this time and join us in praying for her soul.”Alfonso is the son of Fuentes’ only child, the late Liezl Martinez with actor Albert Martinez.Dubbed the “Elizabeth Taylor of the Philippines” for being considered “the most beautiful face of Philippine cinema,” Fuentes had been bedridden for four years and succumbed to multi-organ failure in a hospital, according to a dzBB interview granted by her nephew, former child actor Niño Muhlach.Arrangements for her wake and funeral are being made as of posting time.Both Mabesa and Fuentes were recognized as luminaries of local movies at the launch of the year-long celebration of the centennial anniversary of Philippine Cinema on September 11.Earlier in July, the Society of Philippine Entertainment Editors also named Fuentes one of its Icon awardees at the 3rd Editors’ Choice for Movies or The Eddys. Mabesa was also nominated in the Best Supporting category of the same award-giving body for Rainbow’s Sunset.