As a country located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, seismic and volcanic activity in the Philippines are frequent. Luckily though, these earthquakes are more often than not, short and weak. Most people are completely unaware that one happened up until when they read the news. In fact, only three significant quakes were felt by Metro Manila in more than 10 years. This long interval, coupled with the recent 6.1 magnitude and the two smaller ones that followed in quick succession, suggests the frightening possibility that the “Big One” is soon to follow. The question then is, are we sufficiently prepared when it does happen? Are we fully equipped to handle the Big One?
Japan, on the other hand, considers earthquakes as part of daily life. Their something that locals have come to expect and have grown accustomed to. When tremors happen, earthquake drills are automatically performed like clockwork, after which everything goes back to normal. This seemingly casual nonchalance is owed to their confidence that advanced measures are in place, ensuring them that if a big quake does hit, they’ll be safe.