A total of 307 or 21.44 percent of 1,432 police examinees passed the Philippine National Police (PNP) promotional examinations for Inspector and Superintendent categories conducted nationwide by the National Police Commission last April 22, according to Napolcom Vice Chairman and Executive Officer Rogelio Casurao. The passing percentage rate for the Inspector, category is 21.40 percent (266 of 1,243 examinees) and for the Superintendent category 21.69 percent (41 of 189 examinees). Casurao said the 21.44 percent passing rate in the promotional exams is 12 percent lower than the 33.44 percent passing rate in the previous promotional exams in the same category on October 22, 2017. The list of successful examinees is posted at the 7th Floor, Napolcom Central in West Triangle, Quezon City and in all 17 Napolcom Regional Offices, and can be viewed at the Napolcom website at www.napolcom.gov.ph. Individual report of rating will be mailed to all examinees. Verification of test results is being entertained at the Napolcom central office and its regional offices nationwide.