EVER since the Commission on Higher Education issued CHED Memorandum No. 46, s.2012, the ball started rolling to convert the traditional syllabus into an outcomes-based format. The CHED issuance ruled that syllabi adopt the outcomes-based mode of instruction. Academics all over the country devoted serious time to rewrite their respective syllabi based on the suggested format. Section 13 of the CMO states that “CHED is committed to develop competency-based learning standards that comply with international standards when applicable (e.g. outcomes-based education) to achieve quality and enable an effective integration of the intellectual discipline, ethos and values associated with liberal education.” https://pacu.org.ph/wp2/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/CMO-No.46-s2012.pdf. Shortly after this issuance, I noticed that Bloom’s taxonomy resurrected from academic files and many of us academics diligently researched for rubrics. There are those among us who learned for the first time that Bloom’s had undergone transformation in the hands of Anderson and Krathwohl.