Indie-turned-pop rock band releases major label album

Present at ToFarm’s songwriting competition launch: Project Director Rommel Cunanan, Trustee and former Program Director of NAMCYA Luchi Roque, Chief Advocate Milagros How, Resident Music Director of Ballet Philippines Jed Balsamo and former music director of the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra Olivier Ochanine

Formed in 2012, the band is comprised of Josh Villena (vocals and guitars), Kai Honasan (keyboards and vocals), Neil Tin (guitars), EJ Edralin (synth), Timothy “Pabs” Vargas (bass) and Gep Macadag (drums). They agreed on naming the band Autotelic, which means “doing productive things for the sake of self-fulfillment and internal reward as opposed to worldly and external motivation.”