With the arrival of Emperor Ahihito, our mind flashes back to the Japanese occupation, specifically the grant of independence by the conqueror (cynics would describe it as the erection of a puppet government) and the establishment of the Kalibapi or Kapisanang ng Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas [Association for Service to the New Philippines] – the political party which served as the only political grouping permitted by the Japanese conquerors. It is significant because it was the grandfather of President Benigno S Aquino who served as its director general – a position that, after the Allied victory, caused the Tarlac politician to be incarcerated in Sugamo Prison in Japan charged with collaborating with the enemy together with other prominent Filipinos.
Another prominent politician who served the Japanese-erected Philippine republic was former president Manuel Roxas who escaped incarceration due to the intervention of Gen. Douglas McArthur who vouched for Roxas.