Grace Poe to continue FPJ’s what?

Presidential wannabe Sen. Grace Poe has declared that she would continue what her adoptive father Fernando Poe Jr. (FPJ) had started. This is a very vague statement because she didn’t clarify exactly what it was that FPJ had started. I hope she wasn’t referring to the kind of campaign FPJ had waged in 2004. Unique as it was, it wouldn’t augur well for good governance and clarity of program of government.

The Manila Times had assigned me to cover the FPJ campaign in 2004 and I must confess I had seen nothing like it since I started covering elections in 1984. He drew thousands along the streets where his motorcade passed through in his campaign. Sen. Nene Pimentel said the people’s reception of FPJ was reminiscent of that of the late Ramon Magsaysay.