We must now end the unending swindle

As President B. S. Aquino 3rd faces the end of his term, the cry from his official mouthpieces is that his political slogan Daang Matuwid (straight path) should be given at least twenty years. Some nerve! Aquino has been one unmitigated failure, and since August of last year, the National Transformation Council has been calling on him to step down in order to allow a caretaker government to fix the broken constitutional order and introduce system change, before we hold another election.

The kneejerk response to that has been, “Let Aquino finish ‘his six-year term,’ and let the next administration take care of changing everything that needs to be changed later. After all, the next election is just around the corner.” It is a copout really: this is a serious matter, and not enough people can really manage to be serious about the most serious things.