The Synod: Divorce, gays and other hot potatoes

THE great values of marriage and the Christian family correspond to the search that distinguishes human existence even in a time marked by individualism and hedonism. It is necessary to accept people in their concrete being, to know how to support their search, to encourage the wish for God and the will to feel fully part of the Church, also on the part of those who have experienced failure or find themselves in the most diverse situations. This requires that the doctrine of the faith, the basic content of which should be made increasingly better known, be proposed alongside with mercy. — First-week report on the Synod of Bishops, by Cardinal Péter Erdo

Will the Vatican now allow divorced Catholics to remarry? If not, can those who do so anyway still receive Holy Communion? What about unmarried couples living together? Are homosexual acts no longer sinful? Is artificial birth control?