Preventing rape with timely consent

Those who want a shift to a jury system must show we can afford it. Last Monday, I (working with Medico-Legal Teresita Sanchez in a case of mother and child detained since early 2012), found myself with others packed like sardines in Imus. However, the Judge and her staff worked very hard, along with the prosecution and the PAO lawyer - true public servants -in upholding the majesty of the law. True pros.

My casual seatmate, an Atty. Supnet, and I, were among the machos not using abanicos or folders to fan ourselves, given the overworked malfunctioning aircon unit in the overcrowded small courtroom. (The other morning, I had to walk up and down the third floor of the Pasay Hall of Justice, with my HurryCane; no working elevator - for shame. Then that afternoon, in the NLRC of Calamba; no elevator, either, no PWD facility).