ABS-CBN rolled out the red carpet on Thursday night when the network formally announced the return of celebrated dramatic actress Judy Ann Santos to television’s precious prime time block. She is after all the reigning “Queen of Pinoy Soap Operas” and her two-year hiatus from acting has only kept both her fans and critics at the edge of their seats, waiting what her next project will be.
According to the “queen” herself—who took a break from doing teleseryes after she gave birth to son Lucho—her latest project for ABS-CBN is unlike any of the soaps she has done in the past. These include the memorable top-rating series of Mara Clara, Espe-ranza, Sa Puso Ko’y Iingatan Ka, Basta’t Kasama Kita, Krystalla, Ysabella and finally Habang May Buhay.
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