Like the indomitable widow

For the next three Sundays we shall be meditating on St. Luke's narration of materials found only in his accounts giving us a Lucan perspective into our Christian faith. Like a condensation of the Third Gospel, these narrations each in its own way will focus on the salvation or justification that comes with the faith of those who rely not on their own merits but on the loving compassion of God. This merciful God is revealed in Jesus Christ who is the friend of the weak and of the humble, of sinners and of the lost.

PRAY ALWAYS. St. Luke emphasizes prayer. That is why the parable of the unjust judge and the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8) is introduced with the observation that Jesus wanted to teach his followers 'the necessity of praying always and not losing heart.' The big temptation against praying is the impression that it may be of no use. The parable says prayer is never in vain.